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Scripting methods for Brazil

To get a scripting object for Brazil, use the following code:

 dim brazil
 set brazil = Rhino.GetPlugInObject("Brazil for Rhino")

Then use the Brazil object to access the functions below.


 DocumentParameter(strPath, varValue)

Returns or modifies document parameter.

Parameters: [strPath = Required. String. Full path to document paramter in XML tree

varValue = Optional. Variant. Use to set value.


Returns: [Variant which is the current value of the parameter.

NULL in error conditions.


 ObjectParameter(strObjectId, strPath, varValue)

Returns or modifies object parameter.

Parameters: [strObjectId = Required. String. Object identifier.

strPath = Required. String. Full path to object paramter in XML tree.

varValue = Optional. Variant. Use to set value.


Returns: [Variant which is the current value of the parameter.

NULL in error conditions.


 LightParameter(strLightId ,strPath, varValue)

Returns or modifies light parameter.

Parameters: [strLightId = Required. String. Light identifier.

strPath = Required. String. Full path to light paramter in XML tree.

varValue = Optional. Variant. Use to set value.


Returns: [Variant which is the current value of the parameter.

NULL in error conditions.


brazil/scripting.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/14 (external edit)