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Geometric Design for Complex Architecture, Vienna University of Technology, 12th June 2006

This is a report of the workshop for educators “Geometric Design for Complex Architecture”, organized by the Institute of Architectural Sciences (IEMAR) and hosted by the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, both from the Vienna University of Technology.

This workshop was a great opportunity to learn how Rhino is helping to create a new type of architecture using geometric forms to make complex surfaces.

We would like to thank the speakers for sharing their presentations. Click the links in the Subject column to download the presentations:

SpeakerCompany/Educational InstitutionSubjectAbstract
Georg Franck-OberaspachVienna University of TechnologyWelcomePresentation of the Vienna University of Technology
Brennan BuckStudio Greg Lynn / University of Applied Arts ViennaFigured Surfaces (PDF 10Mb)Product Design and architecture Hybrid methods
David RuttenRobert McNeel & Associates , TU DelftMembrane approximation. An implementation of the force density algorithm (ZIP 19,6Mb)Membrane approximation. An implementation of the force density algorithm
Manfred HustyUniversitat InnsbruckGeometry at University Innsbruck after the CAD revolution (PDF 2,75Mb)Teaching geometry to architecture students with Rhino
Helmut PottmannVienna University of TechnologyGeometric Modeling with Conical Meshes and Developable Surfaces (PDF 5,6Mb)In architectural free form design, the relation between shape and fabrication poses new challenges and requires more sophistication from the underlying geometry. The new concept of conical meshes satisfies central requirements for this application: They are quadrilateral meshes with planar faces, and therefore particularly suitable for the design of freeform glass structures.
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan ( University of Technology , University of Applied Arts Vienna3dimensional bend - an architectural application (PDF 1,93Mb)Sigrid Brell uses Rhino intensively at private projects like the Kunsthaus Graz, Martha Herford and her own company, and teaches advanced architecture at the TU Wien, where she can experiment new shapes and construction techniques with the students.
Florian GsottbauerUniversity of Applied Arts ViennaHydroformed Tubes (PDF 4,44Mb)Transportation Scooter Design and Hydroforming
Lukas BastUniversity of Applied Arts ViennaResearch Project with the Austrian Railway. From the first Rhino Sketch to the Prototype (PDF 8,16Mb)New Concept for Rail Interior Design. Flexibly usable rail passenger cars for long distance travel
Carlos PérezMcNeel EuropeRhino 4.0 New Technologies (PDF 4,04Mb)Rhino history, philosophy, and technology

Photos - click here to download (ZIP 11,3Mb)

Participants and visitors


“It's amazing the many uses of Rhino and RhinoScript in Architecture” Carlos Pérez

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events/viennaarqworkshop.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/14 (external edit)