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Linetypes in Rhino 7

Viewing Linetypes in the Rhino 7

The linetype scale is in the PrintDisplay command. The PrintDisplay command has options for LayoutLinetypes

  • Make the Layout active and turn on the PrintPreview in the Detail
  • Run the PrintDisplay command.
  • When LayoutLinetypes=On, the Linetype patterns in Detail views use Layout space distance. Linetype patterns in different Detail views and the Layout space display with the same scale.

  • When LayoutLinetypes=Off, the Linetype patterns in Detail views use Model space distance.

Note: In order to Preview these, these setting, you will need to turn on PrintPreview mode, in the viewport menu. You will also need to be on the Layout when you run the PrintDisplay command.

Printing the Linetypes

Print dialog will give you Lineype scaling options, Match patter definition and Match viewport display.

  • When Match pattern definition is selected, the Linetype patterns in Detail views use Layout space distance. Linetype patterns in different Detail views and the Layout space display with the same scale. In other words, the linetype scale display stay constant or matches when compared to details of different scales.


  • When Match viewport definition is selected, the Linetype patterns in Detail views use Model space distance. In other words, the linetype scale display changes between details of different scales.

homepage/linetype_scale.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/06 (external edit)