Rhino 5 64-bit cannot run because of Error 0xc000007b.
Windows calls a 32-bit msvcr100.dll when Rhino 5 64-bit runs.
Solution 1:
Solution 2: If Solution 1 doesn't help, please continue.
If the Error 0xc000007b happens when Rhino 5 32-bit runs. Use Dependency Walker for x86 to open Rhino 5 32-bit's shortcut icon on the desktop to find and delete the x64 DLLs under C:\Windows\SysWOW64 that cause the error. And then install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).
Need assistance?
You can save a *.dwi file from Dependency Walker and upload the file for Rhino support team with a comment about Error 0xc000007b.