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My Rhino Text is Mirrored in AutoCAD. Why?


Many time Rhino users export to DWG/DXF. Sometimes when the DWG/DXF is opened in AutoCAD, the text appear mittored.The Let's look at the most common reason why this happens.

Rhino "Text reads forward" Setting

In the Rhino Annotation Style there is a setting under the Font called Text reads forward when viewed from behind allows the text to stay always readable or forward even when it is viewed from behind or from the bottom.

This setting works great if you stay in Rhino. However if you plan to export to AutoCAD DWG/DXF you will have problems. The reason is that AutoCAD does not have a corresponding setting in its Text or Dimension style.

The Solution

If you plan to export to AutoCAD, you will need to turn this setting off. 1. In Rhino, go your Annotation style(s) and turn off the setting: “Text reads forward when viewed from behind”.

rhino/faq/acad-mirrored.1681938458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/19 by