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Light Utilities for V4.0

Summary: This plug-in adds several light manipulation commands in a new menu to Rhino V4


Lights in Rhino do not allow a great deal of control for positioning. These utilities add some commands that you may find useful for this.

There are some for rectangular lights (the plug-in calls them area lights for now) and some for spotlights.

Rectangular lights are the most difficult to use in Rhino so this plug-in lets you make some special ones that have handles and some commands to manipulate the handles. See below.


Unzip to a convenient location, then drag and drop the Light_Utilities.rhp file onto a Rhino 4.0 window to install it.



  • Places a rectangular light with a target point and a source location. Default size is 10 by 10 units but you can enter anything you like (square) and change the size later using AreaLightResize.


  • Select the edge points on a rectangular light created by AreaLightPlace to resize the light from the center.


  • Select the center point of a light created with AreaLightPlace to wobble it around its target point. The light source point is constrained to a sphere.
  • Select an edge point to swivel the light on its axis (center to target point).
  • Select the target point of the light to wobble it around the center of the rectangle.


  • Select edge points of a light created with AreaLightPlace to slide it in the plane of the light.
  • Select the middle point of the light plane to slide it in and out from the target point on its axis.


The above work only on lights made by the first command, AreaLightPlace.



  • Sets the cone angle of one or more spotlights numerically.


  • Wobble a spotlight around on its target point without changing the length of the light. The light source location is constrained to a sphere.


  • Slide a light in and out along its axis.


  • Aligns one or more spotlights to point at a user defined location.


  • Aligns one or more spotlights to point at the center of one or more object's bounding box centroid.


The AreaLight manipulation tools are very much a prototype and fairly fragile. Please be sure not to delete the points (handles) that are grouped with the lights.


Please email with comments or questions.

labs/lightutilities.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/14 (external edit)