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15 Week Skill Based Lessons

This is a sample week by week curriculum. Much of it comes from the previous document. Change and adjust it to meet your needs. Improve where needed to make this guide work for you and your students. Weeks 10 and 11 are to catch up.

There is too much content in some weeks. Adjust as needed.

NOTE: The V6 Level 1 training manual contains different exercise numbers and page numbers. v5 to v6 Cheat Sheet: Click the Link

Week 1

Rhino Basics and Display Options

  1. The Rhino Interface
    1. Do: Exercise 1 - L1 training manual
    2. Do: "TryOnYourOwn" on page 30 - L1 training manual
    3. Watch: Gumball Basics using Start.3dm model - YouTube video
  2. Lines, Polylines, Curves
    1. Do: Exercises 3-9 - L1 training manual
  3. On Your Own
    1. Draw a logo of a company that does not exist
    2. Print/make a presentation of the logo
  4. pdf's and models from the Rhino User Guide. Both Mac and PC information in the User Guide.

Video tutorials are everywhere:

  1. - Click Videos for: at top of the page. Yes, join this community of Rhino users.
  2. Google “Rhino3d video tutorials”. You might find some help out there.
  3. Let us know what video resources you have found too. We'll add them to this list.

Week 2

Accurate Coordinates X,Y,Z

  1. Precision Modeling … with curves, lines, polylines.
    1. Do: Level 1 manual, Exercise 17 - Object snaps.
    2. Do: Level 1 manual, Exercise 23 - Chair (If you are a beginner, we suggest using dimensions to create the chair).
  2. Practice drawing by estimating and with accuracy.
    1. Do: On graph paper, redraw the arrow lines and write the x,y coordinates.
    2. Do: Draw your property. Measure it using your Pace, span, and foot. Draw in Rhino.
    3. Do: Draw your house. Measure it using your Pace, span, and foot. Draw in Rhino.
    4. Do: Measure and model your cell phone/mp3/player.
  3. On your own: (Design Briefs are in following weeks with extra briefs in weeks 11-12 below).
    1. Create a logo for lasercut.
    2. Create a keychain for printing.
    3. Fabrication activities.
    4. Vinyl decals and graphics.
    5. Laser engraved keychain.
    6. Printing a t-shirt.
  4. pdf's and models from the Rhino User Guide. Both Mac and PC information in the User Guide.

Week 3

The Art of Rendering

  1. Rendering
    1. Watch: Rendering in Rhino 5 - Vimeo video
    2. Do: Level 1 manual, Rendering a model - Exercise 69 practice rendering
  2. On your own
    1. Flashlight 1 - Render the flashlight you previously created

Flashlight tutorial with added rendering material: Watch Basic Flashlight Tutorial Video - Vimeo video. An older but good video showing some basic rendering techniques.

Drill Model and the process of adding Rendering materials: Watch Render the drill with Rhino Render - Vimeo video. There is also a link to down load the .3dm file.

Week 4

Circles Arcs Polygons

  1. Precision Modeling… with circles, arcs, ellipse, and polygons.
    1. Do: L1 manual Exercise 26 Link model - Circles with osnaps.
  2. Add a ground plane, lighting, and materials to the toy bench model from exercise 29.
  3. On your own.
    1. Create a slide show of your model (ViewCaptureToFile will create jpgs of your viewports).
    2. Print the rendered model.

Week 5

Editing Objects 1

  1. Fillet, Blend, Copy, Rotate, Mirror, Join Scale, Gumball, Trim, Split, Offset
  2. Gumball

Control Points and Points editing

  1. On your own:
    1. Make copies of your duck. Mom and baby ducks are the goal here.
    2. Scale the ducks so you have smaller ducks.
    3. Add a duck pond.
    4. Render the scene. Google to find a water image.

Week 6

Editing Objects 2

  1. Solid Primitive, Extract Surface, Rebuild, Boolean Difference.
    1. Do: Level 1 Training manual Exercise 56 - Model a bar with text.
  2. Curve Boolean and Array.
    1. Do: Level 1 Training manual Exercise 49 - Curve Boolean, Polar Array, Rectangular Array.
    2. Do: Turn all the layers on in Exercise 49. Add a PointLight behind one of the columns. View in Rendered display. Notice the shadows and real-time shadows.
  3. Revolve, Pipe, Boolean Difference, Polar Array.
    1. Do: Level 1 Training manual Exercise 32 - Screwdriver model.
  4. On your own.
    1. In Exercise 49, above, use ViewCaptureToFile to create an image file for a slide show of the process you used to build and render the model.
    2. Key Chain 1 - Design brief.
    3. Key Chain 2 - Design brief.

Week 7

Surfaces 1

  1. Learn about surfaces and polysurfaces
  2. Practice creating surfaces and polysurfaces
  3. Create some surface models
  4. On your own
    1. Flashlight II - Design brief
    2. Whirl Bottle - Design brief
    3. Cellular Phone - Design brief

Week 8

Surfaces 2

  1. Practice creating surfaces and polysurfaces
  2. Create some surface models
  3. Create a model by tracing an image
  4. On your own
    1. Cosmetic Packaging - Design brief
    2. Automotive Accessories - Design brief

Week 9

Drafting and layouts

  1. Dimensioning
  2. Annotation
  1. On your own
    1. Do: Create a 2D drawing of the Toy Bench created in Exercise 29. Add linear and radial dimensions to the model.
    2. Do: Make a 11×8.5 inch Layout with a border and title area of the same model. Make sure your border contains a title with your name, project name, class period and date. Print it and add it to your portfolio.
    3. Do: Draw a floor plan of a small cabin. Add dimensions. Add notes and annotation. Add border and title area.
    4. Do: Copy a floor plan of a house. Set up a dimension style like the one you are copying, add annotation to, as close as possible, match the floor plan from the internet, book, or wherever you got the plan.

Week 10-11

Catch Up Weeks

  1. Return to anything that needs more attention.
  2. Return to anything that needs more time to get done.
  3. Calendar planning for student projects. Layout expectations and tie them to the calendar.

More design briefs. When you find design problems you like, let us know and we will add them.

  1. Jack O'Lantern - Design brief
  2. Room Identification - Design brief
  3. Video Game Concept - Design brief
  4. Toy Company - Design brief
  5. Shoe Company - Design brief
  6. Add your own design briefs

Week 12-15

Student Projects

Do you need design briefs for this? Or does this work?: Design Based Lesson plans

Individual and Group Design Project: Develop presentation methods for your work, both hard copy and digital.

Student Portfolio

  1. Finish all model work.
  2. Develop presentation methods for your work, both hard copy and digital.
  3. Use your class notebook to begin portfolio.
  4. Portfolio production:
    • 8½ x 11
    • Bound
    • Table of contents
    • Chronology of work
    • Tabs section dividers
    • Headers for content sections
    • Problem statements must accompany design solutions
    • Two copies: 1 for student, 1 for teacher
people/15skills.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/14 (external edit)