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Rhino 8 Mac with Enscape Reporting "License Not Found"

Rhino 8 Mac with Enscape installed, sometimes reports “License not found” error and will not open.

This happens because Rhino was not initialized before Enscape was install and Enscape created ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel with wrong permissions.

The “fix” is to remove Enscape and all supporting files and then re-install and run Rhino first before re-installing Enscape.

1. Restart your Mac.

2. Make sure Rhino 8 is not running.

3. Launch Terminal.

4. Remove the folders that Enscape created.

- (a) If Rhino 7 is installed and working and you only want to fix Rhino 8, run rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0

- (b) Otherwise, run rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel

5. Start Rhino 8

6. With Rhino successfully starting, now you can reinstall Enscape

If the issue persists, please contact McNeel Technical Support tech@mcneelcom.

rhino/mac/home/rhinomacwontstart.1727364270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/26 by maryfugier