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Rhino 8 Mac with Enscape Reporting "License Not Found"

Issue: After the install of Enscape for Mac, is a Rhino license in the RA and Rhino Mac reports “No License found.

This happens because Rhino was not initialized before Enscape was install and Enscape created ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel with wrong permissions.

The “fix” is to remove Enscape and all supporting files and then re-install and run Rhino first before re-installing Enscape.

Why? We believe that this happens if you install Rhino Mac and do not license it. Then Install Enscape. Now open Rhino with the Enscape plugin installed. It is all messed up and can not get to the RA for the key. The lic files appears to be written on, but it may be bad or corrupt.

Option 1: Manually and Complete Uninstall

Simplest Solution

Enscape is the problem. Here's the workaround. You have to completely and manually remove Rhino and Enscape.  This means all the Rhino and Enscape application, folders and licence keys.

1. In File Finder go to Applications and delete: Enscape, Rhino 7 and/or Rhino 8

2. Now, you will need to manually delete the folders where the plugin files live.

3. In File Finder navigate to: ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/. Delete Enscape plugin folder. See more details on uninstalling Mac Plugins here.

4. Now reset the Rhino licensing files by deleting the contents of these folders:

  /Users//Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses
  /Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses
  And this file if you have it:  
  /Users//Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/ra_cache.txt

5. And while you are in the library, double check to see if there are any Enscape folders and delete them.

6. Reboot and reinstall Rhino.

If on reinstall Mac says “keep, replace …” you did not clean up all the folder good enough! It should install and open like it was never installed before. And then it will get a license from the RA.

Option 2: Manually modify folder permissions

  1. Quit Rhino completely.
  2. Open the Finder, click the Go menu, hold the Option key (⌥) and select Library.
  3. Open Application Support and look for the McNeel folder.
  4. Right-click it and select Get Info.
  5. Go to the Sharing & Permissions section and click the padlock to enable editing.
  6. Change the permissions to Read & Write for all the entries.
  7. Click on the options menu at the bottom left of the window (the circle with the three dots) next to the + & - symbols.
  8. Select the option Apply to enclosed items…
  9. Close this menu and start Rhino again.

Options 3: Use Apple Terminal Commands to Change Folder Permissions

Advanced Skills Required

  1. Quit Rhino 8.
  2. Ordered List Item Restart your Mac.
  3. Ensure Rhino 8 is not running.
  4. Launch Terminal.
  5. Remove the folders that Enscape created.
    1. If Rhino 7 is installed and working and you only want to fix Rhino 8, paste into terminal and press Enter:
    2. rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0
    3. Or, paste rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/McNeel and press Enter.
  6. Start Rhino 8
  7. With Rhino successfully starting, now you can reinstall Enscape
  8. if you get “permissions denied” as a return when you run the steps above, add the prefix sudo then a space, then the command string above. This will call the admin credentials dialog box allowing you to enter admin credentials. Enter admin credentials and the command string should complete successfully.
  9. If all the above fails, you can browse directly to the folder in the finder and delete the folder manually by dragging it into the trash. (confirm with admin credentials)
  10. In some rare cases all the above fails, BUT after a restart the above process finally works.

We have heard from Enscape that their latest solves the issue.

If the issue persists, please contact McNeel Technical Support tech@mcneelcom.

rhino/mac/home/rhinomacwontstart.1731306226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/11 by bernat