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How to Uninstall Rhino for Mac

Summary: The following steps completely remove Rhino for Mac from your computer.

The following steps completely remove Rhino for Mac from your computer:

  1. Quit all running Rhino applications.
  2. Remove the application in the Applications folder.
  3. Remove the directory /Library/Application Support/McNeel. This directory contains the tutorial models and manuals if you downloaded them and may not exist on your computer. This folder also contains your license file (for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6).
  4. Remove the directory ~/Library/Application Support/McNeel in your home directory. This directory is optionally used by Rhino and may not exist on your computer. It might contain materials you created, Python scripts, and other resources.
  5. Remove the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.plist in your home directory. This file contains all your Rhino preferences for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6.

Rhino 7 or later

  1. Remove the directory /Users/Shared/McNeel. This folder contains licensing information used by Rhino 7 and later.
  2. Remove the ~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.n.plist (where n is the version of Rhino) in your home directory. This file contains your Rhino preferences.
rhino/mac/uninstall.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/02 by dan