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Why Two Shortcuts?

You have finished installing Rhino V5 on your 64-bit Windows computer and you have two Shortcuts.

The V5 installer installs both 32 and 64-bit versions of Rhino automatically. Each one has abilities and limitations the other does not.

32-bit Rhino V5:

  • Advantage - Rhino V5 32-bit can run plug-ins designed for V5 AND Rhino V4.
  • Disadvantage - 32-bit applications are limited to using a total of 4GB of memory, shared between Windows and the application.

64-bit Rhino V5:

  • Advantage - Rhino V5 64-bit is not limited to 4GB of memory. It can use all of the memory installed in your computer.
  • Disadvantage - 64-bit V5 cannot run plug-ins designed for Rhino V4. It must have plug-ins designed specifically for it.

Do I need both?

  • Maybe, maybe not.
  • If you're not sure leave both installed
  • If disk space is critical, perhaps on an SSD hard drive, you can uninstall the one you don't need.
    • If needed, you can uninstall either the 32 or 64-bit version of Rhino.
    • Do not uninstall the “Rhinoceros 5 Help Media or Rhinoceros 5 Language Pack Installers
rhino/why2shortcuts.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/14 (external edit)